The tack, skål, IKEA challenge @larsnorqvist @isaja @andreasolsson7 @atz119

Based upon our experiences and subsequent brainstorming conversations at the ECTEL2013 Conference where @ATZ119 (Laurent Antonczak) and I (@thomcochrane) participated in the Mobile Learning Creativity Workshop and presented a paper was born the Tack, skål, IKEA challenge. We were challenged by the Swedish delegation (@larsnorqvist, @Isaja, @AndreasOlsson7) to share a non-PowerPoint presentation that illustrated our approach to using communities of practice and social media for lecturer professional development – getting lecturers to “think differently” about teaching and learning. Basically we give lecturers an experience of being a learner themselves within an authentic context where we model the educational use of mobile social media – hoping that they will then use this practice with their own students. One of the keys is rethinking assessment strategies and integrating the use of mobile social media in their courses.

Lars Norqvist (@larsnorqvist) sent us the challenge to participate virtually in the “Learning in Focus” Conference in Umea, Sweden, 12-13 November 2013: “I write to you because of the brilliant idea of a tack,skål, IKEA-session. The session has somewhat developed an idea here at a conference in Northern part of Sweden. Below you can see two videos. One presents the general idea about our research and one presents a challenge to you for the conference.

I would be really glad if you can present your work about teaching, learning, recognition of students learning as a kind of modelling technology – if possible.”

Here are links to Lars’ video intro and challenge:

And here is our attempt at creating a mobile social media video playlist in response:

The final contribution to the “Learning in Focus” Conference can be found at

Hopefully the first of many collaborations with the Swedes and the Kiwis 🙂

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